Saturday, August 22, 2009

Chili Sauce

This is what you do with your tomatoes when you are finished doing all of your salsa for the season. Don't over-look this recipe - it'll do you proud at ALL of your pot-luck dinners this year. It's also super good over pork roast.

-24 peeled medium to large tomatoes (you know, stick them in a pot of boiling water until the skins split, then take them out and dump them in cold water and the peels will slip right off for you. Then chunk 'em up and put 'em in the pot.)

- 1 large green pepper
-3 medium onions
-2 cups vinegar
-3 cups white sugar
-1 Tbsp. cinnamon
-1/2 tsp. allspice
-3 tsp. salt
-1/2 tsp. cloves
-1/2 tsp. ginger
-1/2 tsp. nutmeg
-1/2 tsp. dry mustard
- 1 or 2 hot peppers

Simmer 3 or more hours until cooked down and pretty thick. PLEASE use a heavy pan, and stir often. Burned chili sauce is NOT a good thing.

Put in pint jars and water bath for at least 20 minutes. (I say at least because if you call the USU extension, they change their minds all the time on how long to do this kind of stuff. But since it has vinegar in it, it should be great.)

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