Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Skinny Stuffing

*Cut a loaf of sourdough bread into small cubes.  Bake at 400 degrees on cookie sheets for 8 minutes or until lightly browned. 
* Saute an onion (chopped), 1 cup chopped carrots, and 2 cups chopped fresh celery in 2 Tbsp. olive oil. until onion is soft. (3 - 5 minutes) 
*Add 2 peeled and chopped Grannie Smith Apples and saute another 2 minutes. 
*Add these spices and saute 1 more minute - stirring constantly:
- 1/2 cup fresh parsley (mince it up finely)
- 1 tsp. dry thyme
- 1 tsp. dry sage
- 1 tsp. sea salt
-  1/4 tsp. pepper

* Add all ingredients together and add 2 slightly beaten eggs and 4 cups vegetable or chicken stock.
* Add a can or two of roasted chestnuts, drained. (chop them if they aren't)
* Bake stuffing in prepared pan, uncovered, 1 hour or until the top is brown and crisp.

Holy Cow!  I'm excited for a stuffing I can "stuff" myself on.  The stuffing is always my favorite part of the meal, but I don't particularly enjoy the usual amount of calories.  Eat up people.

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