Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Frozen Fruit Cocktail

My boys eat a bag of this each when they come home from football each night in the fall. It really cools you off and is "oh so good".

Get a REALLY big bowl. (11 qt. tupperware or big silver bowl)

-Mix one can frozen orange juice with the recommended amount of water. (use the bigger, long cans)
-Add 2 cans of chunk pineapple and its juice
-Add about 2 quarts of grapes (they are extra good if you slice them each in half)
-Add melon balls from a watermelon - it's best if you take out the seeds
-Then FILL the rest of your bowl with sliced, chunked peaches. (peeled, and preferrably not scalded)

Mix it all together and scoop into freezer bags or big freezer-jam containers. FREEZE.

*My family just eats this plain as a side dish with dinner or without dinner too. But, if you'd like to get fancy you can serve it with 7-up and top it with Sherbert as a dessert. You can also serve it over gingerbread and top with whip cream. Oh yum.

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