Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ReBecky's Fresh Peach Pie

This is the dessert I made for Kort's birthday on Sunday. We ate ALL 4 pies!
This is how I do it:

I make (with crushed graham crackers and melted butter) crust and press it into the bottom of my pie pans. (or if I'm lazy or in a hurry, I purchase those WF brand cheap ones at the grocery store). This recipe will fill 4 pie tins. (9 inch)

Mix in large, deep pan on stove:
*1 1/2 cups cold water
*2 cups sugar
*1/2 cup cornstarch

- add 2 cups of boiling water and turn heat to medium. Stir Stir Stir until boiling. Boil 3 minutes. Stir Stir Stir.

*Add 1 3 oz. package of orange jello (dry) and boil 1 more minute. Stir Stir Stir.

- COOL (this takes a while, so mess with making dinner during this time)

Once the "jel" is cooled enough, add 12 cups of sliced, chunked peaches. (remember to peel them first) need help? - okay, boil some water and drop your ripe peaches in the pot. Leave them in there for about a minute and remove to a cold water sink. The skins will slip right off now!

Stir the 12 cups of chunked fresh peaches into the "jel" and then pour into your prepared pie tins. Refrigerate for a couple of hours and serve with whipped cream.

Oh My. This is sooooo good.

****note: I couldn't find ANY orange jello in my storage room or at any of my neighbor's homes on Sunday, so I used RASPBERRY flavored jello. Oh what a great substitute! Yum Yum Yum.